
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Doctors & Medi-Cal: When to Leave an Abusive Spouse?

I have previously scribbled with concern about doctors' increasing dependency on the state. Well, they're at it again.

California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, has traditionally underpaid, or even stopped paying, providers. The orgy of lobbying around the federal "stimulus" bailout led many to believe U.S. Senator Boxer's promise that the bill would drop $11 billion our way. It was not to be. Last month, we learned that the stimulus would not bailout Medi-Cal.

Unfortunately, California's primary-care doctors learned the wrong lesson: they think that by suing the state for more money, the state will begin to treat them with more respect.
Wikipedia reports the term "Battered Person Syndrome" to describe someone who suffers from "learned helplessness" as the result of a "cycle of violence" at the hands of a partner.
It's not my place to play amateur psychiatrist, but I think it describes the physicians' position to a tee.

Medi-Cal's failure is not just a budgetary crisis, it is a crisis of government dependency - for both patients and providers.

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