
Monday, April 26, 2010

Leave Medical Liability Change To States

One policy that Republicans have wrong is to invite Congress to legislate medical malpractice. I and some colleagues challenge this idea in Investor's Business Daily

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey, Illinois: Regulate Your own Health Insurance!

Responding to a strange plea from Illinois politicians, U.S. Senators put forward a bill to accelerate ObamaCare's federal take-over of health insurance: My comment at State House Call.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Repeal & Replace: Don't Be the Last on the Bandwagon

Ytesterday, I spoke abou repealing ObamaCare and replacing it with patient-focussed reform, at an event hosted by Gov. George Pataki and with Steve Poizner, the California Insurance Commissioner, who are hardly right-wing extremists. Read about it at National Review Online

Friday, April 16, 2010

Let's Face It: Nobody Will Ever Fully Understand This Bill

In the face of repeal, the defensive phase of Operation ObamaCare is becoming clearer: Just keep telling people they need more time to understand it. I give some examples at National Review Online

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Italian Lessons for U.S. Health Care?

While the U.S. is surrendering more health decisions to the central government, other countries are going the other way. I discuss a private versus public hospitals in the Italian region of Lombardy, over at StateHouseCall.

Let the Gaming Begin: How the Sick Will Suffer under Obamacare

Outlawing actuarially sound premium guarantees that health plans will compete by avoiding the sick: Critical Condition on National Review Online.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Repeal! Replace! But With What?

Those who argue for repeal have a winning case; but they need an equally simple alternative reform: This month's Health Policy Prescription.

(I also wrote an entry at John Goodman's Health Policy Blog on the same topic.)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Lunch with Nancy Pelosi - More on the "Slacker Mandate"

I had lunch with Speaker Pelosi the other day, and I believe that she misunderstands the nature of the "slacker mandate" which compels parents to put their "children" (as defined until they turn 26) on their health plan as dependents. Blog posted at Critical Condition on National Review Online

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Private Health Insurance Death Spiral Will Begin on September 23

The "slacker mandate", which compels employers to bear their employees' "children"'s medical costs until they turn 26, will cause a death spiral of private health insurance, as I write at John Goodman's Health Blog.